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A Comparison of How Two Poets Describe War


Compare the way two poets portray war Bruce Dade and Wilfred Owen are both poets who portray war through expressive feelings. Both poets have a similar way of illustrating their sadness, anger and experience towards war. This essay will compare the way these two poets portray war. Sadness is a common theme in Bruce Dace’s and Wilfred Owens poems. In the poem ‘Futility Wilfred Owen talks about the things he’s seen and the thoughts and memories he’s experienced throughout his life as a solider. He describes it in ways hat people are able to picture the things that are happening in their head, so that they can sympathies with the way he feels.

An example of sadness in Wilfred Owens poem is: “Gently its touch awoke him once, At home, whispering of fields unison. Always it awoke him, even in France, Until this morning and this snow. ” This is an example of sadness because it describes the way Wilfred Owen feels about France before the war began. Bruce Dade explains his sadness differently because in his poem “Homecoming,” he talks about what happens after the war. “All day, day after ay, they’re bringing them home, they’re picking them up, those they can find, and bringing them home, they’re bringing them in, piled on the hulls of grants, in trucks, in convoys. Although still talking about sadness, Bruce Dade portrays the dead soldiers and the things he can see happening and how the war has affected him, after the War has happened. Anger is another expression both Bruce Dade and Wilfred Owen use in their poems. In “Dulcet et Decorum Est,” Wilfred Owen expresses his anger by talking about the things that are happening right in front of him, he scribes what he can see and uses these examples to explain that War is bad.

At the end of Wildfire’s poem he uses the words “Pro Patria Mort” which means “It is Sweet and right to die for your country’ Wilfred Owen shows his anger by using sarcasm, because it would be wrong and sad to die for your country. Bruce Dade shows his feelings towards anger in his poems the same way Wilfred Owen does, because he talks about how the dead soldiers are being brought home and how many of them are unable to be identified and how most of them are young. As a deader of the poem, it would make you feel angry inside.

As for Bruce Dade writing it, it shows that he was angry at the time of writing it. An example of this is: ” They’re bringing them home, now to late, to early’ which tells the reader that the solider died young and it was too late to save them. The last way both of the poets portray war, is by their personal experience. Wilfred Owen explains War with more expressions because of the way he has experienced war himself. Most of Wilfred Owens poems are about sadness and loss and how hard and terrible his experience n the war was.

He also interoperable anger into his poems because of the way war has made him feel. Bruce Dade has no experience with being involved in the war. But he is still able to express the way he feels about the war. From the things Hess seen and the way things changed after the war and could’ve also been from other peoples experiences. Over all Wilfred Owen and Bruce Dade write their poems in very similar ways and they both portray sadness and anger. They also try to get the reader to experience and feel what they are feeling. Personal experience is what they both use.