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Posts published in “Ralph Waldo Emerson Poems”

Mithridates by Ralph Waldo Emerson


I cannot spare water or wine,Tobacco-leaf, or poppy, or rose;From the earth-poles to the Line,All between that works or grows,Every thing is kin of mine. Give me agates for my…

Merlin I by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thy trivial harp will never pleaseOr fill my craving ear;Its chords should ring as blows the breeze,Free, peremptory, clear.No jingling serenader’s art,Nor ****** of piano strings,Can make the wild blood…

Merlin by Ralph Waldo Emerson


IThy trivial harp will never please Or fill my craving ear; Its chords should ring as blows the breeze, Free, peremptory, clear. No jingling serenader’s art, Nor ****** of piano…

Loss And Gain by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Virtue runs before the museAnd defies her skill,She is rapt, and doth refuseTo wait a painter’s will. Star-adoring, occupied,Virtue cannot bend her,Just to please a poet’s pride,To parade her splendor.…

Initial Love by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Venus, when her son was lost,Cried him up and down the coast,In hamlets, palaces, and parks,And told the truant by his marks,Golden curls, and quiver, and bow;—This befell long ago.Time…

Hamatreya by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Bulkeley, Hunt, Willard, Hosmer, Meriam, Flint, Possessed the land which rendered to their toil Hay, corn, roots, ****, flax, apples, wool and wood. Each of these landlords walked amidst his…

Good-by by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Good-by, proud world, I’m going home,Thou’rt not my friend, and I’m not thine;Long through thy weary crowds I roam;A river-ark on the ocean brine,Long I’ve been tossed like the driven…

Give All To Love by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Give all to love;Obey thy heart;Friends, kindred, days,Estate, good fame,Plans, credit, and the muse;Nothing refuse. ‘Tis a brave master,Let it have scope,Follow it utterly,Hope beyond hope;High and more high,It dives…

Forbearance by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hast thou named all the birds without a gun;Loved the wood-rose, and left it on its stalk;At rich men’s tables eaten bread and pulse;Unarmed, faced danger with a heart of…

Fate by Ralph Waldo Emerson


That you are fair or wise is vain,Or strong, or rich, or generous;You must have also the untaught strainThat sheds beauty on the rose.There is a melody born of melody,Which…

Fable by Ralph Waldo Emerson


The mountain and the squirrelHad a quarrel,And the former called the latter, “little ****”:Bun replied,You are doubtless very big,But all sorts of things and weatherMust be taken in togetherTo make…

Etienne de la Boece by Ralph Waldo Emerson


I serve you not, if you I follow,Shadow-like, o’er hill and hollow,And bend my fancy to your leading,All too nimble for my treading.When the pilgrimage is done,And we’ve the landscape…

Eros by Ralph Waldo Emerson


The sense of the world is short,Long and various the report,—To love and be beloved;Men and gods have not outlearned it,And how oft soe’er they’ve turned it,‘Tis not to be…

Each And All by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Little thinks, in the field, yon red-cloaked clown,Of thee, from the hill-top looking down;And the heifer, that lows in the upland farm,Far-heard, lows not thine ear to charm;The sexton tolling…

D?monic Love by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Man was made of social earth,Child and brother from his birth;Tethered by a liquid cordOf blood through veins of kindred poured,Next his heart the fireside bandOf mother, father, sister, stand;Names…

Days by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Daughters of Time, the hypocritic Days,Muffled and dumb like barefoot dervishes,And marching single in an endless file,Bring diadems and ****** in their hands.To each they offer gifts after his will,Bread,…

Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sung at the Completion of the Concord Monument, April 19th, 1836 By the rude bridge that arched the flood,Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,Here once the embattled farmers stood,And fired…

Compensation by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Why should I keep holiday,When other men have none?Why but because when these are ***,I sit and mourn alone. And why when mirth unseals all tonguesShould mine alone be dumb?Ah!…

Celestial Love by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Higher far,Upward, into the pure realm,Over sun or star,Over the flickering D?mon film,Thou must mount for love,—Into vision which all formIn one only form dissolves;In a region where the wheel,On…

Brahma by Ralph Waldo Emerson


If the red slayer think he slays, Or if the slain think he is slain, They know not well the subtle ways I keep, and pass, and turn again. Far…

Blight by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Give me truths,For I am weary of the surfaces,And die of inanition. If I knewOnly the herbs and simples of the wood,Rue, cinquefoil, gill, vervain, and pimpernel,Blue-vetch, and trillium, hawkweed,…

Berrying by Ralph Waldo Emerson


“May be true what I had heard,Earth’s a howling wildernessTruculent with fraud and force,”Said I, strolling through the pastures,And along the riverside.Caught among the blackberry vines,Feeding on the Ethiops sweet,Pleasant…

Bacchus by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Bring me wine, but wine which never grew In the belly of the grape, Or grew on vine whose tap-roots, reaching through Under the Andes to the Cape, Suffer no…

Alphonso Of Castile by Ralph Waldo Emerson


I Alphonso live and learn,Seeing nature go astern.Things deteriorate in kind,Lemons run to leaves and rind,Meagre crop of figs and limes,Shorter days and harder times.Flowering April cools and diesIn the…