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Terms of poetry


Stanza: grouped set of lines within a poem. Prosody: the study of metrical structure. Rhythm: a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements. Rhyme: a word agreeing with another in terminal sound. Rhyme scheme: the pattern of rhymes used In a poem. Sound devices: elements of literature and poetry that emphasize sound. End rhyme: rhyme of the terminal syllables of lines of poetry. Alliteration: stylistic device In which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together In a series.

Assonance: resemblance of sounds. Onomatopoeia: the formation of a word by Immolation of a sound. Couplet: a pair of successive lines of verse, especially a pair that rhymes and Is of the same length. Sonnet: A 14-Ellen verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes and each line has 10 syllables. Quatrains: a stanza or poem of four lines, usually with alternate rhymes. Meter: a poetic measure: an arrangement of words in regularly measured, patterned, or rhythmic lines or verses.

Iambic pentameter: a kind of rhythmic pattern that consists of five iambs (a metrical foot that consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one) per line. Ballad: a simple narrative poem of folk origin composed in short stanzas and adapted for singing. Rhyme scheme: the pattern of rhymes used in a poem. Rhyme of the terminal syllables of lines of poetry. Alliteration: stylistic device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a Onomatopoeia: the formation of a word by imitation of a sound.

Couplet: a pair of Sonnet: A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme usually with alternate rhymes. Meter: a poetic measure; an arrangement of words In kind of rhythmic pattern that consists of five lambs (a metrical foot that consists of an poem of folk origin composed In short stanzas and adapted for singing. Successive lines of verse, especially a pair that rhymes and is of the same length. Usually with alternate rhymes. Meter: a poetic measure; an arrangement of words in poem of folk origin composed in short stanzas and adapted for singing. Stanza: grouped set of lines within a poem.